08 April 2008

Distance Learning Maximizes College Students' Time

Education Online Articles : Distance Learning Maximizes College Students' Time by Jennifer Walters

Online education is one of the perks that technology has sent our way. When thinking of the average college student, we most commonly envision a young, ‘just out of high school’ student going away to college, living in a dormitory and, possibly, joining a sorority or a fraternity. However, the identity of the college student is expanding to include a variety of personas. Maybe you think of a single mother working forty plus hours a week, taking care of her kids and still managing to find time to enroll in an evening class. Perhaps you think of a mid-range business professional taking continuing education courses in order to complete a second degree or achieve a higher level of certification.

The average college student doesn’t have one identity any more, particularly with the advances of distance learning. The truth is that you can actually pursue an associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s degree, rank change or certification through online education. You can conduct every aspect of earning your degree right from your home computer. The inquiries, application process, registration process and your entire classroom are all part of a distance education program. You can still work those forty plus hours while maintaining all your leisure and family commitments. Online education truly allows you to maximize your time and explore You do not have to sacrifice helping your kids with their homework, eating dinner as a family or enjoying your favorite book before bed any longer.

Many new, online students have reservations about online education. However, the truth is distance learning strives to achieve the same quality of instruction and standards as a traditional, brick and mortar course. Professor’s lectures will be presented in text, audio or PowerPoint presentations. The same textbooks are used in online education as in a traditional class. Assignments are designated by due dates'"all of which are laid out in the class syllabus distributed on the first day of class. When all is said and done, you will still have the opportunity to walk with your class in cap and gown to receive your degree. All it takes on your behalf is some determination, organization and effort and you will be well on your way.

About the Author
Looking for an Online Degree? Learn more at http://www.elearnportal.com

Source: http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=699137

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