11 July 2008

Denis Waitly PhD Has Given Us Insight Into The Brain's Own Hidden Secret

PhD Articles : Denis Waitly PhD Has Given Us Insight Into The Brain's Own Hidden Secret by Karen Giardunio

While researching the Internet for information on Denis Waitly it was brought to my attention that there is some question as to the legitimacy of his ability to claim the title of "Dr." Denis Waitly. -So instead of making that my primary focus I felt it would better suite my readers to focus on his unquestionable contributions in the field of science and medicine vs. entertaining the debate relating to his Doctrine Degree. If he has or has not exaggerated his educational credentials is not something I feel the need to investigate or denounce him over -let that go to those who get a kick out of taking others down as that is just not my pace nor is it my directive relating to this article. I feel an accomplishment should be acknowledged and he has many achievements for us to focus our attention on.

We've all had things happen in our lives that have been difficult to negotiate our senses around during our attempt to deal with life inside the bubble of time that the event consumes it's self in. So we must ask the question "Is there a way that we can focus our energy on healing ourselves while in the midst of our dilemma?" Fortunately for us we have Denis Waitly to thank for his discovery that has realized the plain and simple truth of a technically deficient aspect of the human brain; it is not capable of differentiating the truth from the imagined. Now, that in and of its self may not seem like such a big deal but when you learn the science behind this discovery you will see that "imagination essentially trumps" our reality. Denis used highly specialized instrumentation and was able to show that whether or not an athlete was running -the brain couldn't tell difference. The same muscles that were fired off during the moment of actual mobility were stimulated and reacted in the same manner when the athlete sat still in a state of imaginary visualization!

Can you -in any fashion -begin to wrap your brain around the fact that we have more to do to control our reactive responses and reasoning than just focusing on what is presently in front of us at any given moment? Do you see that the next time a negative person, situation or circumstance presents its self to you that you can simply visualize peace, harmony and invest yourself instead in a state of mind that is free from the current tide pulling you into deeper troublesome waters? I am not talking about denial here -I am however taking inner peace and self-restraint and control. The unfortunate fact (or fortunate -for those of us that do not see discord in the world around us) in life is that we are part of a collective whole or group of people that must commune together in social or private settings. So if we offer our minds a secondary option -beyond the here and now we master the moment instead of the moment mastering our state of mind and being.

Denis can be found in The Secret -the hit movie being compared to the brilliance and insight found in What The Bleep Do We Know? He lends his commentary around the subject of visualization and he tells about how the mind can in fact create a clearer more resounding future in our lives. He again uses his expertise in the field of science to explain how a thought has a frequency that can be measured and calibrated using a variety of scientific devices -and how the practice of this truth lends its use and value to the human spirit -and its influence is extraordinary! During this time where Mr. Waitly has been besieged with ridicule, hostile verbal warfare and outright judgment I would like to take this opportunity to make a very important evaluation on the power of the antagonistic, judgmental state of mind one must be in compliance with in order to attack another one of our fellow human beings. To give our own intrinsic authority away to the bitter confines of a hateful and accusatory position does less good to ourselves than to the person we are attempting to discredit.

Further still, when is there a right time to condemn a human being for lying or exaggerating on a personal level when it is his actions -in and around that deception that are in need of full repair and guidance. We embellish on our talents, accomplishments or successes when we are not whole in the understanding of our worth and value as we currently are. Is there then not any room to forgive the lie and assist the liar? I was just wondering where our compassion comes in to help clear the way -to let someone advance themselves from their own deceit so as to turn the situation from a mistake to a lesson well learned. The choice in the end is always and only our own. I however believe we do more to help others -even when they are out right and fully in the wrong by offering options around their falsehood with the intention of understanding through sympathy and resolve than when we just point the finger and judge!

About the Author
Karen Giardunio is an Internet Marketer who has joined forces with one of the leading experts in Internet Marketing and Wealth Generating Systems On line. Together they would like to show you how to succed in Network Marketing. If you want to generate a secondary income whether or not any one ever joins your down line again. All with out ever having to call a single lead again go to http://freedom.GetNetMLMProfits.com to get started today!

Source: Distance Learning Online PhD Programs at GoArticles.com

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