11 July 2008

Distance no object for learning

Education Online Distance Learning Articles : Distance no object for learning by Sarah Maple

When my friend moved to the Shetlands a few months ago she told me the thing she was most looking forward to was the chance to finally have the time and space to study for a degree. I queried her sanity, pointing out that she was going to struggle to find anywhere in as remote a place as the Shetlands where she could do that. That's when she told all about the wonder of distance learning online.

Basically computer technology, specifically the internet, has literally revolutionized the whole concept of Distance Learning. Where once there were only limited options to gain meaningful qualifications through correspondence courses, now a whole range of university standard courses and qualifications are available online.

There has effectively been an 'e-learning revolution' brought about by advances in internet and web technology. The impact of all this technological development has resulted in better, broader and more flexible opportunities and resources for students to be able to learn today, and in the future.

Where once the prospect of moving from a city to a remote island might have appeared gloomy from the point of view of contact with the outside world, the internet has changed all that. Arguably, the most comprehensive change of all has come in the world of education and qualifications.

These days there are various reputable learning institutes offering all sorts of distance learning courses via the internet. Distance learning online: it has a nice ring to it! From a foundation degree through to a business degree, no matter where you are in the world today the possibility now exists to be able to learn and gain university standard qualifications.

That's exactly how my far from insane friend explained it to me, and that's exactly what she is currently in the process of doing. She has already enrolled to study from her small cottage home by the sea on the west coast of Shetland to gain a foundation degree in business management & marketing: and she's doing it thanks to distance learning online.

What's more, my dear friend reckons that, while it is fantastic to not have your educational aspirations limited by your geographical location, the best bit about distance learning online is actually the flexibility it affords you with your studies.

With all you need to be able to undertake your course of study available to you carefully packaged and available through the internet, and tutor feedback and contact by email, there are none of the restrictions of class and tutorial times that exist when you physically attend a university.

That's the real beauty of distance learning online for me, too. It's got me thinking, as well. Not only do I live in a city, I'm within easy walking distance of a very prestigious university. I've been thinking on and off for a while about going back to study. He options I've been told about amount to full-time or part-time. But if I were to return to my studies via distance learning online then it would be my-time: I could choose when and how I study and learn.

About the Author
Sarah Maple is planning to take marketing courses to get an online degree

Source: Distance Learning Education Online at GoArticles.com

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